Councilor Janet Hutchison

Janet Hutchison

Janet moved with her parent to Prineville in 1962 from Dubuque, Iowa and has lived in Prineville ever since.  She graduated from Crook County High School in 1970.  After a few years, Janet decided college was important and graduated from Central Oregon Community College in 1986 with a degree in accounting.

Janet's work career began with Coin Millwork for approximately 7 years, then City of Prineville for approximately 2 years and finally the federal government in both the USFS and BLM for nearly 30 years.

Janet began her BLM career as a clerk/typist and finished as a lead for rights-of-way, renewable energy for realty and communications site with the Oregon state office in Portland, Oregon.  The position was remotely located in Prineville.  In that position, Janet was the expert in the aforementioned diciplines and advised the public and nine districts with Oregon and Washington.  Janet was also an equal opportunity councelor for approximately 18 years.

Janet has been retired for 4 years and enjoys traveling, camping, bike riding, walking and spending time with her family.  She has been married to her husband Forrest for 42 years with 2 daughters, 4 grandchildren and 1 great granddaughter.

Janet says " I look forward to serving on the City Council and giving back to the community".